I've always loved Gary Larson's twisted sense of humor and several of his far Side books are in my permanent collection. I recently found a Flickr collection of real world re-enactments of some classic Far Side cartoons HERE.
If you think you've seen some strange show poodles, you ain't seen nothing yet. Check these out from LA Weekly. (And yes, you guessed it - Teenage Mutant Ninja Poodle!)
Everyone's done one mashup or another with that clip from the new Tom Cruise movie, Valkyrie. In this one, Hitler's about to lose his house to foreclosure:
From YouTube, titled 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes. For movie fanatics - How many movies can you identify? Here's the entire transcript: Shame on you. This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're going to let it be the worst. And I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of you. Well, I'm not going home. We've come too far! And I'm going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause. A day may come when the courage of men fails... but it is not THIS day. The line must be drawn HERE. This far, no further! I'm not saying it's going to be easy. You're going to work harder than you ever worked before. But that's fine, we'll just get tougher with it! If a person grits his teeth and shows real determination, failure is not an option. That's how winning is done! Believe me when I say we can break this army here, and win just one for the Gipper. But I say to you what every warrior has known since the beginning of time: you've got to get mad. I mean plum mad dog mean. If you would be free men, then you must fight to fulfill that promise! Let us cut out their living guts one inch at a time, and they will know what we can do! Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions! You're like a big bear, man! This is YOUR time! Seize the day, never surrender, victory or death... that's the Chicago Way! Who's with me? Clap! Clap! Don't let Tink die! Clap! Alright! Let's fly! And gentlemen in England now abed shall know my name is the Lord when I tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Independence Day!
All those poor "Billion Dollar dot-com companies that didn't get a government bailout during the crash in the late 90s. You probably remember Sock Puppet Dog from the Pets.com commercials? Here's a new spoof featuring your favorite dot-com icon testifying before Congress, complete with a cast of hundreds including Barney Frank and gang. It's hilarious!
Proving once again that you can find pretty much anything online if you look hard enough. When I had to find what day of the week a certain date occurred, I discovered Free Online Calendars. You can generate a calendar for any year from 1901 to 2038 and print it out as a PDF file in several languages and sizes. Truly useful when you need it!
A GoogleMaps satellite zoom shot of an intersection in downtown Bellevue (102nd Ave NE & NE 13th St, Bellevue, WA 98004 ? Or is it?). WTF? Looks like Manhattan to me...
It's interesting. John McCain finally appears on Letterman and the show has its highest ratings in years following a steady decline. Sarah Palin appears on SNL and they also benefit from a near-death spiral to record viewers for the first time in a decade. Here's the Sarah Palin clip from this past Saturday's show:
ABC and USA Today teamed up to create this light-hearted way to see which candidate matches your values. You choose the ideas that are closest to yours without being able to you see who it came from. You won't see your choice until the last set of quotes - the results may surprise many of you...
Although this umbrella is being sold as a F*ck the Rain Umbrella, I'm sure it would work just as well for Google Earth pictures of neighborhoods. Available from Art Lebedev Studios for approx. $60 US.
Thank you, thank you, REASON Magazine, for the best visual overview of the current immigration mess written by Mike Flynn and Shikha Dalmia, and as only artist, Terry Colon, could illustrate it. Having gone through this abominable process personally - with incredible stories to tell about how Jimmy Carter's disastrous Mariel Boat Lift screwed up my legal application - I can honestly concur 100% with this graphic's points.
Most roller coaster rides like Six Flags take pictures of their riders and then try to sell them to you as you get off the ride. Guess this guy won't be buying a print (but someone else sure did!).
A link to the original website StuffWhitePeopleLike, now also a paperback on the New York Times Bestseller List. What started out as a gag has turned into a popular website with its own following of 45 million+ visitors!
Every once in a while, some one codes up a really cool, interactive Flash page. Play with Spider is not for those who are squeamish about spiders, Dude! But it's a lot more fun than messing around with the real thing. Drag it around the map by pulling its legs or just by moving your mouse around. Or try feeding it some insects by pressing on the spacebar.
I've been on the National Do Not Call List since its inception and legally, all telemarketers are supposed to consult and respect this list before calling a number. The Seattle Times and The Post-Intelligencer are among the worst telemarketers in this area.
Do you think these people even follow the list? And on numerous occasions, I've also told these people to make sure my numbers - ALL of them - are on their Do Not Call Lists. But the SOB's keep calling me at all hours of the day and night. Of course, when you call them back after hours to complain, there's never a manager to yell at. One of these days, when I have some extra time to kill, I plan on going after them for penalties and fines that they probably owe me and thousands of other people that they've been harassing for years.
Local Seattle geek, Chris Pirillo actually taped an 11-minute video on YouTube of his fun with one of the Seattle Times telemarketers.
Probably one of the most unpleasant tasks you have to do at least once in your lifetime: Buying a car from a car dealer. I've generally used a lot of different tricks myself when buying - er, negotiating to buy - a new or used car. Most of them are common sense, meant to even the odds against the typical car dealer's bag of dirty tricks:
Buy your car in the last quarter of the year (the new models come out then and everything depreciates a year more);
When you go up to the receptionist, try to find out which salesperson is in second place for the month (he or she will be a lot more eager to close a deal than No. 1);
Show up late on the last weekend of the month (particularly good if it's a drizzly and miserable day outside with no customers around and Superbowl Sunday is especially good);
Go outside from time to time to make a phone call to consult with a nonexistent spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend, especially after each time your salesperson has to go back to "talk to his manager";
Be prepared to walk out of the showroom without looking back if things reach an impasse.
Anyway, this is all a prelude to a 6-minute YouTube video by Rob Grule at the 2007 Ignite Conference in Seattle on the same subject. A lot of these ideas are basically Negotiation 101.
With the record-breaking numbers of viewers as the Beijing Olympics has been drawing, it's hard to keep track of who's been winning what. Yahoo Sports has a real-time page with the current medal scorecard updated regularly. This clip's from Monday evening, August 11th, showing the USA leading with a total of 20 medals with China in second place with 16 but leading the States in gold 10-6. Russia's way back in 6th place right now, with no gold yet. Perhaps their best athletes are busy invading Georgia right now?
Simply beautiful. Sachiko Kodama bills herself as a ferrofluid artist and has recently been "discovered" and represented by an American gallery. Her unique pieces are like eye candy: you can't take your eyes off of them.
Just when you think you've seen it all... here's the $20 Goatee Saver. Trim that goatee to perfection and bring out the inner babe magnet, guys! Click HERE to see it (and order it, you decadent bastard!)
When my kids and I first moved out to Seattle over 11 years ago, among the first subtle differences we noticed between the East Coast and the West Coast was the old Soda vs. Pop debate. We mostly called it soda back in Florida but it seems that most of my kids' friends called it 'pop' out here in Seattle.
Of course, someone's created a website devoted to the study of Pop vs. Soda HERE. It's definitely a regional thing.
Way too much press on tire gauges and not enough on the real issues. But does keeping your tires properly inflated really make a difference? Inquiring minds want to know. So I checked on Edmunds.com, the car site, and here's what they came up with on fuel economy myths and facts. I was surprised by a couple of them.
No other country has gone as far in trying to control virtually every aspect of the presentation of the Olympic Games, from minor details like uniforms all the way to the weather. China has placed an incredible amount of its prestige and standing in the global community and the Olympics in Beijing are the grand finale to China's entry as a world leader.
My brother, Albert, was among the first Western photojournalists allowed in certain parts of China in the 80's and he's been getting requests for many of his shots taken in Beijing in 1985. Albert's Beijing shots are being used as part of many Before & After photographic essays documenting the dramatic changes the city has undergone over the past two decades. Portfolio Magazine has posted an interactive graphic detailing how a special Chinese Olympics group in charge of the weather plans to ensure that it doesn't rain on their parade.
Hey, I don't spend a lot of time watching any of those stupid Court reality shows (especially Judge Judy!). But this one was actually rather gratifying. Judge Milian on Peoples Court loses it with this young wannabe attorney and completely rips him a new one. Can't say I'm sorry for him...
MSNBC has posted an Interactive Bridge Map for those of you still rich enough to handle a road trip for your summer vacation. The map even includes filters so you can pick and choose what to include in your search (kind of like GoogleMaps mashups).
I loaded up the Seattle to Portland route and was surprised to see the condition (and the number) of bridges along the way.
RobertinSeattle is an entrepreneur/artist whose diverse background encompasses computer programming and hardware design, marketing consulting, advertising and electronic payment systems. He lives in Seattle, Washington.