Sunday, October 29, 2006

Free Fonts Online

When Apple first came out with the Macintosh and the LaserWriter, typographers everywhere first thought that their careers were coming to an abrupt demise. They imagined that every Mom and Pop operation with such a relatively inexpensive desktop publishing setup would be able to knock out all of their own printed materials quickly and inexpensively. Well, fortunately it never happened; having the equipment was certainly no prerequisite to being a fantastic graphic designer or typographer. In fact, we used to have a not-so-nice term for some of the awful results that got churned out: The Ransom Note Effect. "Hell, I've got 50 fonts on my Mac. Why not use all of 'em on this client's brochure?"

Anyway, with that little bit of desktop publishing history, I'll segue right into the subject of fonts and the fact that you really can't ever have enough of them. Especially when you're looking around for that one font that suits a headline or presentation that you're working on. I just discovered a new site called NeatFonts. These guys have managed to collect hundreds and hundreds of free or shareware fonts from everywhere and loaded them up on one site that's reasonably manageable. Check 'em out HERE. They even have some spooky ones for that last-minute Halloween invitation you've been putting off!

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